I've got a few quick and exciting announcements...

Yep, out of more than 70,000 studios on the entire site, your Goddess is currently ranked at #27!
I'd say that's quite an accomplishment, since I only have 400 clips (well actually less, since some are duplicates in different formats) in My studio. I'm happy to see My stable of slaves growing and My studio being on top (where it belongs) once again!
Visit My Studio and $pend!
Visit My Studio and $pend!
I also have a clip that has just hit the Top 50 most popular clips on the entire site!
It's My first ever Breast Expansion clip "Gigantic Growing Tits Ready to Burst!"
It is currently #31 out of ALL the hundreds of thousands of clips on the site! Needless to say, I see more breast expansion clips being produced in the very near future. ; )

(Hit the C4S Top 50 Clips!)

As you can see... I have been VERY busy lately. I am trying to be extra productive and release more clips. I'm trying to put out at least 5 clips per week. Which means more material for you boys to worship but also more work (filming, editing, etc.) for Me. So, it is very important that you boys do not bombard Me with millions of messages and useless emails. Bottom line: More Tributes, less bullshit.
My time is precious and I expect you to treat it as such.
My time is precious and I expect you to treat it as such.

Oh and remember boys, MY BIRTHDAY is only a month and a few days away. I expect you all to do something nice for Me this year and to make it an even better birthday than last year!
The countdown has begun....
You will be needing this! ---> My WISHLIST
You will be needing this! ---> My WISHLIST

:::::::::::: New Clips!!! ::::::::::::
Voices in your head 8.0


Sex Therapy Mindfuck 2

Busty Bubbles 3


Sex Therapy Mindfuck 2

Busty Bubbles 3

Mind Trap

Breast Obsessed

*** Already a #1 Top Selling Clip! ***

Sex Lipstick

Wide Open

Ass Floss Thong Tease

Spit Loving Pervert

*** Already a #1 Top Selling Clip! ***

Mind Numbing Cleavage

*** Already a #1 Top Selling Clip! ***

Ignore Montage

Cock Kisses

Bubble Gum Goddess

Financial Fuck Over Part 25

Until next time!
-- Goddess Lolita