So, as you can see Blogger did indeed delete My entire website and all My old blogposts. There "automated classification system" apparently marked My entire site as spam...idiots. Luckily I was able to salvage some of My content from the past two years. I'm working on restoring this site little by little. I may move everything over to wordpress.... I'm not sure yet.
The blogposts that I was able to save are located HERE

Anywho, onto more exciting topics!
My 2013 started off fabulous, as it should. I made an appearance in the Clips4sale top 50 studios, which is quite an accomplishment, seeing as how I only have @ 200 clips in My studio...as opposed to 800+ (just sayin')

(Screencap from: Your Future)
On a sidenote: Clips4sale tributes are now being accepted via your credit/debit card!

You should totally tribute like right now! ; )

(Screencap from: Your Future)
The past few months have been AMAZING for Me as far as gifts! My amazon wishlist is nearing 700 purchased items already. What can I say, I love having everyday feeling like Christmas. Keep up the good work... dominic, r, thorsten and jason. Good boys. ; )
Valentines Day is only a few short days away. And what better way then to show your Love and Devotion for your Goddess, then by sending Me a lovely gift or cash tribute in the mail. Speaking of cash tributes, My new slave g is REALLY stepping up to the plate and has been sending his cash tributes on a weekly/semi-weekly basis for the past few months now... good boy, g!!! : ) I am VERY pleased with you. Take note boys, CA$H is ALWAYS My favorite form of tribute.
Feast your eyes on some of the recent gifts and cash tributes I've received. $$$$$$$$ Yum:
******* New Clips *******

As always...keep spending, keep worshiping, keep your love and addiction for Me growing. It is only natural that you become Obsessed with Me. How could you not? ; )
Pleasing Me, pleases you.
Goddess Lolita