Thank You for giving me the opportunity to buy the extra expensive "loser version" of Your latest video! I love giving You my money, so much I already can't wait to get ripped off again, and put more of "my" money where it belongs... In Your account!
See what he's talking about here: No Cumming - Loser Version
as You sun Your Goddess body and house shop ...i sit here in the dark...
staring at Your pictures and videos...
the rest of my life ....working and jerking...
honestly i cant even breathe... because of the truth of this....
i will tribute weekly and assume my life as Your addicted stroke zombie and sissy bitch Goddess Lolita.
- Sissy Joanie
"I love the slow motion boob squeezing in shiny boob tease. That clip was my undoing. You caught me forever with it." - Loser Jason
I feel like I'm falling deeper and deeper for you Goddess, your clips 'Mind Numbing Cleavage' and 'Mind Hacking' do exactly as the titles say because my mind is fucked! I feel like I'm in love with you, think about you alot and my cock tingles when I see your picture or videos. I can't wait to spend my money on you because your deserve it all! xox
- jordi
See what he's talking about here: Mind Numbing Cleavage
See what he's talking about here: Mind Hacking
The last clip I purchased from You, before You put me on a binge, was from a while back, Voices 8.0. However, the other night I was enticed by Your Mindless Boob Addict clip. That convinced me to buy another, and it was Love Spell 2.0. That really did it for me. I couldn't stop buying clips after that. The only thought I had left in my mind was emptying the rest of my bank account for You... and I did. I will be broke for another week, and it hurts so good to know that it makes You happy. Come next payday, I will repeat this process. Thank You again Goddess Lolita. :)
- matt t.
See what he's talking about here: Love Spell 2.0
Here: Mindless Boob Addict
Here: Voices in your head 8.0
I hear and I obey, my perfect Goddesss....
Your clip this week was amazing. I cannot resist your voice, your perfect tits, or your commands....
Eagerly awaiting your next clip. You are my entire world.
- jordi
See what he's talking about here: Mind Numbing Cleavage
See what he's talking about here: Mind Hacking
The last clip I purchased from You, before You put me on a binge, was from a while back, Voices 8.0. However, the other night I was enticed by Your Mindless Boob Addict clip. That convinced me to buy another, and it was Love Spell 2.0. That really did it for me. I couldn't stop buying clips after that. The only thought I had left in my mind was emptying the rest of my bank account for You... and I did. I will be broke for another week, and it hurts so good to know that it makes You happy. Come next payday, I will repeat this process. Thank You again Goddess Lolita. :)
- matt t.
See what he's talking about here: Love Spell 2.0
Here: Mindless Boob Addict
Here: Voices in your head 8.0
Goddess Lolita is EVERYTHING and i am nothing... I will say this everyday from now on ... I would lick the ground you walk on .. How does it make u feel that you have so much power knowing that you can destroy any one you choose ... Your power is scary ...
I hear and I obey, my perfect Goddesss....
Your clip this week was amazing. I cannot resist your voice, your perfect tits, or your commands....
Eagerly awaiting your next clip. You are my entire world.
Hello Goddess Lolita,
I just want to say that I LOVE U SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! I dream of you all the time. You are my dream woman for life! I just downloaded a few of your new clips.....EXCELLENT job my dear! You always make me SO WEAK and it feels SO GOOD! By any chance could you PLEASE do more "bedroom eyes" in your videos? Or maybe another video like "Soul Stealing Eyes"? You have that sexy "look" down to a science! I seriously lose my mind when I stare into your eyes and see your big beautiful lustful eyes staring back at me. Almost as if you are willing the cum out of me just with a super sexy stare down. I love when you maintain eye contact too while you are turning your head and just different angles you use. Sometimes you will be looking down and then suddenly you are looking directly into the camera.....DAMN DOES THAT FEEL GREAT!!!! There are just certain bedroom eyes that you do that make me leak like a faucet....and I LOVE IT!!!! Keep up the great work; you are my motivation to make it through the day....and for that I am forever grateful. You are the BEST!!!!!
So Much Love,
See what he's talking about here: Soul Stealing Eyes
Hello Goddess Lolita,
i can't help my self, i'm a horny weak addict of your desires. All i want to do is to buy your clips, sit back, relax listen to yours voice, and let you do with me what ever you want to. I'm your zombie!!!
Thank you for the new video Goddess Lolita. Titty Trance part 8 is the best video you've made in my opinion or it just might be that I've fallen that much deeper in love with you. I was never into this type of fetish until you but what man could resist you? I now realize my purpose is to surrender and obey Goddess Lolita <3
See what he's talking about here: Hypnotic Titty Trance Part 8
Goddess Lolita,
That don't cum video is the best, i have watched that a hundred times,i have cummed in my pants just thinking of you, im ruined, just please degrade me, an i will spend $5000 on you this week, talk to me like im nothing, an i will give you everything.
- chris m.
See what he's talking about here: Don't Cum
Good morning wow ur last clip was amazing kissing the pane and the lip prints very sexy.could u make another one and this time wear the red lipstick please those red lip prints would look just as sexy!!! - Wayne
See what he's talking about here: Virtual Lipstick Kisses
Hi Goddess Lolita
I've just bought my fifth or sixth clip from you and it just keeps getting better.
I'm a somewhat older guy and i admire you tremendously.!!!!
i especially enjoyed you last spit video and how amazingly sexy can this be
when every drop of spit from you mouth seems to be special and nothing
can ever EVER be nasty cause everything (!) what is coming from your beautiful mouth is delicious. You are awesome ...
Greetings, Dennis
Greetings, Dennis
See what he's talking about here: Spit Loving Pervert
I feel like I'm falling deeper and deeper for you Goddess, your clips 'MInd numbing cleavage' and 'Mind hacking' do exactly as the titles say because my mind is fucked! I feel like I'm in love with you, think about you alot and my cock tingles when I see your picture or videos. I can't wait to spend my money on you because your deserve it all! xox
See what he's talking about here: Mind Hacking
See what he's talking about here: Mind Numbing Cleavage
oh my Goddess ! Yes... i try to resist actually... i tell myself i dont need You- that You hardly write to me ever, that You cant be real-- but there's simply no one like You- Your wicked intentions, and a body that literally makes me practically helpless--
You keep creeping into my mind-- i fantasize about being "turned into bitch joannie" and thousands of people watching me humiliate myself on vimeo- i daydream of someday kneeling before You and. going to the bank with You...
You are incredible.
Hi Goddess Lolita,How are you beautiful? I miss you SO much! I always think of you. You really are a Goddess! Keep up the awesome videos and please more super sexy stare downs you make me MELT!!! You have so many different facial expressions but some of the looks you do are so fuckin sexy you blow my mind!!! You make me leak and it feels sooooo good!
Thanks so much for doing a superheroine clip. I absolutely love the catwoman mind control movie. I sent a request for a superheroine clip a couple months ago or so, though i'm sure i'm not the
only one who did, as it was obvious you would be great in a superheroine costume role play. Nonetheless, thanks very much for doing it, it's a great clip and I hope it sells very well for you
(and that you think about making some more like it...)!
See what he's talking about here: Catwoman Mind Control
Goddess Lolita Your financial domination vids are the best I've ever seen! You make it so erotic I love them. You are so sexy, thank You for making these vids.
Dear all powerful Goddess,
I was overwhelmed to see your thank you message for my gift card on twitter. The most beautiful, busty and powerful woman in the world had taken the time in her busy day to mention me!!! wow. Please accept my tribute below to show how grateful I am, that you would be good enough to say thank you to someone so weak and insignificant as I.
Can I also mention, I am sooo desperate to get the latest batch of C4S clips and take part in the 'Stroke-a-thon' but have to wait until my woman is out the house! Be assured I will be buying them and masturbating myself stupid all month long.
yours worshipfully,
Hi Goddess Lolita,
I am watching fucking your wallet.....One of your hottest videos ever! You look sooo hot in the pantyhose and black boots. I would kneel in front of you and jack a hot load off while sucking your heel, while you remove the money from my wallet of course.. Well, so hope you make that body stocking video or more pantyhose videos some day. I cant get enough!!! You are so addicting!
Pantyhose Cash Cunt
See what he's talking about here: Fucking your wallet
Dear Goddess Lolita,
For the first time in my life I bought clips. I was following you about one year and a half now. I slowly got more and more the intense need to buy clips and yesterday I bought my first 10 clips. After viewing them I understood why so much people buy clips from your store. It felt like I was hanging over a cliff for a long time and took the jump into your arms in the end although I knew that there was no turning back anymore and that I laid my life in your hands. I wanted this so badly and now I have the duty to make you happy.
You see, I couldn't resist anymore and made the mistake to buy some of your clips. Now I need more and more and will buy more from your C4S or KB store.
Calling my first time buying clips a mistake is probably a mistake in itself. It is also a gift for me that you give me this opportunity. Fact is that I can never forger about goddess Lolita anymore. You deserve to get my attention and my money. You have the right to use me as you see fit because you can. I know your goal is to get all the money I have and will earn in the future. My goal is to get this money to you a.s.a.p. because you have already put your thoughts in my brain.
Dear Goddess Lolita, this is why I need to prove my dedication to you. Is there something you want me to buy for you or should I tribute you through NF/Paypal or another way. I prefer a way in which you profit the most of it so I will follow your instructions.
I know I am another loser and you probably find me disgusting. I hope you will learn to appreciate my wallet at least in the near future. So tell me how I can prove my good intentions. My wallet is open wide for you.
Hi im a loser, i really want to pay you because i found some pics of you online. i have adult sites blocked on my computer because of my addiction so i cant see your actual website but i see you on yfrog. God, i got paid today though i havent loaded my prepaid card yet, i do have my wifes cc though, id get in trouble if i used it but im staring at a pic of you that says 'give me everything' with a raging hard on. jesus christ ill do anything to see some pics of you, ill give all my wifes cash and fuck myself up if you make me.
Hello Goddess Lolita. Just wanted to say that I love your work. I wasn''t so much into this type of fetish until you. You're perfect lady lumps have convinced me that I should just surrender and obey you. Thank you for getting me into this fetish and thank you for your clips. They are awesome =)
Can I meet you in person, give you cash, take you shopping, fall under your spell. I used to watch the Jenny Jones show for women like you. I am in Virginia and am a professional photographer/videographer/designer.
Hey there! I just bought 2 of your clips and omg!!!!...most amazing and beautiful woman alive with the sexiest voice ever :)
Dear Goddess Lolita,
I have your voice in my head all day and can't help but spending. I love you so much,
I am nothing but a wallet. My only purpose is to Obey.
I only get pleasure from paying Goddess Lolita.
Your wallet
I want to give you everything I own...I am so weak for your huge breasts in tight tops. I visit your website everyday, my heart races staring at your huge breasts. I am ready to give you everything I own, how can I do this?
Dear Goddess Lolita,
I love your clips. I am helpless to resisting staring, drooling and buying them. It is unfair how perfect you are! Your sexy high heeled feet, strong legs, firm ass I can't help but stare. Your massive breast make me instantly hard and weak. I can only imagine to be able to grovel at your feet and kill your heels. To be used and abused by you for your laughter and amusement. To be made to clean your house, scrub your toilets and wash your kitchen floor with a tooth brush why you stand over me and tease and torment me with your body and cruel words!
Have you considered having live sessions with slaves? Please do. You could have an army of drowns at your feet in no time. Please do more clips showing of your whole perfect body in skin tight outfits and mini skirts form your feet in sexy heels to your massive breasts barely contained! It drives me insane!!!
Love always Eric
i purchased the Zombification video....fuck! you should've charged him $2000 for it!!!See what he's talking about here: Financial Zombification
Dear Goddess Lolita,
I have your voice in my head all day. It is hard to resist the urge to spend, spend, spend and ruin my finances. Please, please, I need you so much...
In deep devotion
Mmmmm, Voicesinyourhead 2.0 was evvvennnn betterrrrr than the first one. And compelled me to pick up a couple of others. It's hard to stop listening, and listening to your intoxicating words leads right back to wanting more, buying more, listening more, and wanting to serve more. And makes it so compelling to just want to obey.
See what they are talking about here: Voices in your head 2.0
The Perfection video is certainly titled appropriately. The wonderful close ups of Your face...i mean, You really are quite exquisite... Your flawless skin...i just want to be allowed to touch it gently...just once in my lifetime...and Your wonderful long soft hair...i can see myself on my knees just watching You brush it...or maybe even being allow to brush it for You... And, the perfect shape of Your LIPS...as strange as it sounds i found myself leaning towards the screen as Your lips formed each torturous kiss...i mean...i'm an adult man for god sakes. And yet, even now as i write this, i just want to keep looking at them and imagining what one soft kiss from You would really be like...my god. And of course...Of course, Your marvelous dark eyes...i LOVE them. Absolutely, Completely, Totally LOVE them!!! And...the way You use them. When You change the direction Your looking, and look directly into the camera...i can see why men are falling in LOVE with you from around the world. And then, along with Your captivating eyes You have this ever so slight smile...or is it actually a confident smirk...yes...probably...And of course i know...we all know...that YOU KNOW EXACTLY what You're doing to us...and that is why we all give You whatever we can to keep You happy, comfortable and pleased with us. Because...YOUR Stunningly Beautiful...i truly mean STUNNINGLY!!! We're all so lucky to know You.
i purchased your brain damaging mind numbing "mind fuck" last night and i'm dumber for it today. i watched it many times alone in the dark while twisting and yanking my giant rubbery nipples.
i'd slobber all over your booted feet on the Springer show!
See what he's talking about here: Voices in your head
Dear Goddess Lolita
Just a quick note to let you know about the effect you are having on me.
I've been single for a few months now and have been spending some of my time investigating fetishes that my ex wasn't interested in. One of the things I've been exploring has been hypnosis. After purchasing a number of video clips and mp3's in the last couple of months and being disappointed with them I was going to move on and look into other things.
However I thought I would give hypnosis one last try. I was intrigued by a couple of your videos on dailymotion, visited your site and ended up on kinkbomb buying Hypnotic Titty Trance part 1. This may not have been my wisest decision ever ...... a couple of days later and I've purchased all six parts of your Hypnotic Titty Trance, Tight Dress Tit Tease, Shiny Boob Tease, Sweet Dreams, Titty Mindfuck and Controlled by My Cleavage.
I can't believe the effect that your clips have had on me, your indescribably beautiful eyes, lips and body combined with your soft enchanting voice is opening me up to things I didn't think were part of my psychological make up. I'm generally quite a strong personality and like to be dominant in most of my everyday interactions, however your Hypnotic Titty Trance series and the amazing Titty Mindfuck is literally and metaphorically bringing me to my knees in worship of your tits and of you as my Goddess, which as a practicing catholic is causing me a few issues :)
Financial domination is definitely not something I'm interested in getting into and I find it incredible that you put me in a situation where I wanted to tribute your breasts, sent you a $50 tribute via kinkbomb and still feel great about having done it! I'm trying not to watch Titty Trance 4 for sake of my sanity and bank balance :) and Titty Trance 5 has put me in a bit of a dilemma, to cum or not?? You really are one dangerous woman!
The suggestion to become your slave and serve you that is in Titty Mindfuck is really messing me up right now and I've written this instead of applying to be your slave. With the effect you are having on me, I'm sure that would end badly for me.
I'm off for a drink with friends now and thank god that I've got a busy week at work coming up, might get you out of my mind for a bit :)
Here's hoping I might be able to stop this becoming an all consuming addiction and obsession with you :)
P.S. Hmmm wasn't really a short note but I'm learning that you are a bit of a game-changer.
Goddess Lolita,
I am speechless, that has got to be the hottest video ever. Perfect! Thank you so much for making it, I got to run, but just had to e-mail you to say thanks. WOW, you look sooo fucking hot in this outfit you would give a snow man a hard on ! So hope you make more like it, maybe a body-stocking one someday.
Thanks Goddess Lolita for completely fulfilling a fantasy. You are incredibly smart, creative, seductive and drop dead gorgeous!
P.S. I paid my tax Goddess Lolita!!
See what he's talking about here: Pantyhose Ass Slave
Thank You again for allowing me to buy the clip Goddess
i hope You had a great Friday night
and i hope You have an even greater Saturday night
i beg You to bleed me dry Goddess
i am sooooooo frustrated buying this clip and knowing that You are in it
wearing a short tight dress and heels...
not being allowed to watch it...
i am in SUCH pain
thank You Goddess
i worship You
thankYou Goddess for allowing me to serve You
may i ask Goddess
do You ever allow Your inferiors to pay to see You on cam?
$99.99 a minute?
$99.99 a second?
(or even better
pay to decline to view You on cam?!!)
thankYou Goddess
Goddess! ohhh i feel so goooood! im wood hard and lovesick like a 13 year old flipping thru pages n pages of Your vids, excited to dance for n entertain You the way You choose!!
puckering up my sissy lips n kissing Your paragon Ass.... Im going to start a separate account to save for You.
i cant wait to hear from You, dance humbly for You, cry for Your Ass, sign over everything i have to You....
disappear into a cage in a basement in philly under Your house.... lol mmm
off to kinkbomb and amazon today.....
and now... falling again.... been staring at Your site for an hour dripping n hiding from family....
found myself begging to be Your sissy on dailymotion viewed 2500 times---so humiliating---
i want to one up french john and suck my own dick for You --- but wayyyy deeper.... and better ... clearer vid.... im a loser- and i NEED You Goddess....
I'm afraid to say the wrong thing to you. Not that I would ever have a chance of meeting you but I feel privileged just to know that you might view my messsage to you. The sexiest part of you is your intelligent mind because you know how much men are in love with your undeniable sexual power and intoxicating beauty beyond words. You take advantage of it and we're turned on immeasurably while hating ourselves for not being strong enough to resist your power. So all that's left in us as men is the hope to cower before a true queen of intellectual dominance and enjoy the fact that we were able to @ least see you and possibly one day be under your feet to serve the ultimate Goddess Lolita. Thank you for just existing even though you'll probably never know that I do.
Subject: You are THE ONE
and ONLY Goddess i've ever come across throughout my entire journey in financial domination via mindfucking & brainwashing.
You know why i feel that way?
You are the Only Goddess whom i never feel regret or ashamed of about worshipping and paying.
I feel rather refreshed, happy and even enlightened afterwards.
And, that IS why i think You are impossible to escape from.
The more i stare into Your Big Dark Round Eyes, the harder it gets to deny what i am truly made of.
OMG! I just bought your video x 2 and i am now on my knees, cock in hand, kissing your pantyhose clad ass, sending you another $50.00 tribute like a good pantyhose slave. Thank you so much goddess Lolita for allowing me to spoil your perfect royal ass. My face is your throne. Enjoy spending my money at the mall, please please make more pantyhose and bodystocking outfit videos like this. Ill be a good pantyhose bitch and spoil your perfect tushy each time, make me your pantyhose cash cunt!
Wow, every time I get an e-mail from you my cock springs to attention. My heart is racing right now just thinking about what you have in store in this video, how you are turning me into your pantyhose bitch. I cant wait until you tell me to jerk off to your perfection in this video and scream your name as I blow another load in your honer. I am on my knees Goddess Lolita with my cash stick in hand just waiting to be seduced again by your perfect pantyhose clad ass, body, face....EVERYTHING!! You are sooooo fucking sexy I can't wait to see this video!!! Thank you sooo much for making it!!!
See what he's talking about here: Pantyhose Perfection JOI
a*******y (May 27 5:03 PM ): Goddess
a*******y (May 27 5:03 PM ): omg the most incredible thing just happened to me
a*******y (May 27 5:03 PM ): i bought a few more of Your clips
a*******y (May 27 5:04 PM ): thankYou thankYou thankYou Goddess for making Your clips available
a*******y (May 27 5:04 PM ): and one of them i actually dared to watch
a*******y (May 27 5:05 PM ): SexKitten
a*******y (May 27 5:05 PM ): i watched it on my laptop with the sound down as my wife was sitting in the same room watching tv
a*******y (May 27 5:06 PM ): and even though i have tight rubber bands around my pea balls and i am wearing really REALLY tight panties under my trousers
a*******y (May 27 5:06 PM ): i started to cum! omg
a*******y (May 27 5:09 PM ): i havent cum for almost 7 weeks... i have never managed longer than a month beofre... but this wasnt like a proper orgasm... i was just sitting there staring at You on the screen and i could feel my manclit dribbling out cum... it felt more like i was wetting myself! omg
a*******y (May 27 5:10 PM ): i think i was making little whimpering sounds because my wife kept looking over at me and eventually asked if i was alright!
a*******y (May 27 5:10 PM ): omg
a*******y (May 27 5:10 PM ): this is why i must not allow myself to watch Your clips
a*******y (May 27 5:10 PM ): i must buy them
a*******y (May 27 5:10 PM ): but NOT watch them
a*******y (May 27 5:11 PM ): even thinking about You without having an 'accident' is getting impossible
a*******y (May 27 5:11 PM ): You are the most incredibly Sexy Beautiful Dominant Superior Goddess that has ever been
See what he's talking about here: Sex Kitten
Hi Goddess Lolita,
I just bought your new video and had to send you an email. Simply put, i think this is the hottest video you ever made,this outfit, your voice and what you say has broken me again. I loose all control seeing you in pantyhose/body-stocking outfits. This is the hottest video i have ever seen! I tried to resist but you seduced me again, i truly am your pantyhose bitch. You turn me on so much, i am doing just what you say in the video and sending more cash. I wish my face was on that chair while your perfect pantyhose clad cheeks encompassed my face, my hands were on your perfect tits, while you hold onto my wallet, removing all of my cash, while using my face as your private chair. My cock is throbbing, you are sooo fucking sexy, you sucked me in again, i cant think straight seeing you in this outfit, listening to you talk.
Charlie your Body-Stocking Bitch
See what he's talking about here: Pantyhose Ass Slave
Blimey - you've made my day yet again !
Here I am at work ..... sneakily opening those pics ..... and feeling that familiar sensation of dopey, absent minded bliss that results from seeing you !
You're a true legend (or, as we say in Australia, a "top sheila" !).
Kind Regards
When the bra came off I was on my knees stroking with both hands, shooting long ropes of cum everywhere. I think its impossible for anyone to win that game ;)
I got you a little something from your wishlist as cum tax, which is more than I can afford since I'm a student - but your tits make me your bitch everytime - and knowing that makes me so hard.
See what he's talking about here: Stroke but don't cum game
goddess, please focus on doing more hypno vids, i cant get enough.
i am yours to command,
your tits have me under your spell.
I hear and I obey, my perfect Goddesss....
Your clip this week was amazing. I cannot resist your voice, your perfect tits, or your commands....
Eagerly awaiting your next clip. You are my entire world.
See what he's talking about here: Lovesick Pay Puppet
Hi Lolita
Got the clip. Wow!!!! There can now be no dispute. You are the sexiest drunk girl alive :)
Very very pleased with the clip, you were great. Thanks for going for it with the drinking, so many girls promise the earth with drinking clips, but fail to deliver. Got to say though, you delivered just as you promised and looked well and truly plastered by the end of the clip. I could look into your drunken eyes for hours, just love the way they drift after you have had a few. I hope you fucked your man senseless after the filming finished, I know drunk girls are an acquired taste, but you looked so sexy, I cannot believe any man could resist you in that condition. I'm interested to know, could you walk at the end of the night????? Sorry but you turn me on so much, I have to ask :):) This clip will get alot of attention from me over the coming weeks. Top girl!!!! Thanks.
Cheers sexy.
See what he's talking about here: Girls just wanna have Rum!
My dearest Goddess Lolita,
i have always been afraid of writing an e-mail like this. At the same time i have looked forward to the day when i would finally muster the courage to do it.
i'm from Germany. i don't see myself as a failure, living in a nice home, being married to a woman i truly love (can you believe that?) and father to three sons i'm proud of. i count myself lucky with all the things i have got in my life.
However, there is this dark presence deep within me, like an evil spirit lurking at the edge of my consciousness, waiting for its chance to take over my mind. It wants me to turn my back on my family. It urges me to submit my will to a powerful woman, to let myself get seduced and be used by her, to cheat on my wife by spending money on another woman.
i discovered this submissive side of me about two years ago. i've visited financial domination sites ever since, downloaded tons of videos and dreamt about really submitting one day. But i have never crossed the line of actually paying a tribute to a financial domme, let alone contacting her. Submission has remained a fantasy for me.
Until i saw You, Goddess.
i don't know what it is that makes You so much more powerful than every other Goddess i have seen. But i do know i cannot fight that power of Yours. Your beauty, Your voice, Your intelligent, intoxicating eyes have crushed me, blasted away the last of my self-respect and control. The dark presence has taken over and forced me to pay a tribute to You!
A part of me keeps hoping this was a one-timer, that i'll never be so stupid again. But i fear that if You turn Your divine attention on me, if You so much as acknowledge my existence, i'll be helpless, and the darkness in me will take over.
So i'm sincerely hoping that You'll simply ignore this e-mail and i will never hear of You. It is a good thing that You are so amazing. You must have hundreds of followers more worthy of Your attention than i am. After being ignored for a while, i hope the beast within my mind will go back to whatever dark recess of my subconsciousness it came from, and stay there forever.
The beast, of course, hopes otherwise.
In any case, i thank You very much, Goddess, for the powerful feelings You have stirred in me. i hope you'll accept my tribute of $100, which i sent to You via Kinkbomb. It is only a small reward for the pleasure that looking at You gives me.
Yours forever (i'm afraid)
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